Become a WoodMaster Dealer

Demand for our product is high and we could use your help. Grow your business by providing your customers with security in uncertain times. WoodMaster outdoor wood furnaces provide safety, peace of mind and a better living environment.

We offer you the tools needed to help you succeed.

Online Support Center – mobile-friendly, huge database of solutions available to you and your customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Dedicated Sales Representative – you’ll have your own Sales Representative to help you along the way with ordering, customer questions, quotes for jobs and other inquires.

Dealer E-Comm Site – all of your account information in one place. This online tool allows you to place orders, access information about sales, registrations and much more.

Co-op Advertising Program – advertising is a proven, necessary method to increase sales, the Co-op Advertising Program is a great way to expand your advertising budget.

Generous Extended Terms – extended terms can be used to offer a variety of furnace models and colors in inventory, ready for delivery.

Comprehensive Training – training opportunities are available with flexible times and dates, that include onsite seminars, free informational and training webinars, and up-to-date videos and information on the Dealer E-Comm site.

New Products. New Profits.

Outdoor wood and pellet furnaces are a naturally profitable way to serve more customers, expand your business and add some green to your bottom line. Inquire about becoming a dealer today!

Become a Dealer

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